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ILC Tunisie vous donne la possibilité de tester votre niveau d'Anglais de façon ludique. Pour une évaluation complète de votre niveau n'hésitez pas à contacter notre centre.

Nous invitons les personnes ayant obtenu plus de 80% à ce test à s'attaquer aux tests Business.

  1. John _____ tennis once or twice a week.

  2. Ann is in hospital. Yes I know _____ her tomorrow.

  3. Yes, I know what you mean that's when you'd like to smash it to ________

  4. Do you want ________ sugar in your coffee?

  5. Children are not ________ in that public house.

  6. That bag looks heavy _____ you with it.

  7. My baby sister________ yesterday .

  8. I cannot work today because I have very bad tooth________

  9. I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I _____.

  10. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he _____ before.

  11. Don't worry _____ late tonight.

  12. Why did you stay at the hotel when you went to N-Y? You _____ with Barbara.

  13. Have you ever ________ frogs legs.

  14. Not too bad but sometimes I just can't get the ________ of it.

  15. We are good friend. We _____ each other for a long time.

  16. We are late. The film _____ by the time we get to the cinema.

  17. _____ this week ? No, she is on holiday.

  18. Well, not that often but there are things that completely ________ me.

  19. Ian _____ in Scotland for 10 years. Now he lives in London.

  20. You 're out of breath _____?

  21. It's late. It's time _____ home.

  22. Well, take the times when everything ________

  23. The phone is ringing . It _____ be Tim.

  24. I _____ television a lot but I don't anymore.

  25. They do not ________ cheques in that restaurant.

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